supported-by-trust-greenbelt_whiteOur advent calendar ran from 1st -24th December 2015. It has 24 star symbols and each day a star was unlocked to release new content, right up until Christmas Eve.

From 1-6th December, we tell the story of how life is for Palestinians today; from 7-12th December, we explore what apartheid looks like for Palestinians; from 13th-18th December, we look at why BDS has evolved and how it is already making a difference; and from 19th to 24th December, we look at resistance, hope and Christmas in the Holy Land. No matter how much or how little you may know about Palestine, we hope these 24 ‘advent stars’ tell a story that speaks to the struggle and hopes of the Palestinian people, and those around the world who have shown and continue to show, their solidarity with them.

So, come back each day and click on an advent star! And look out for some surprise names 🙂

To view the content of our advent calendar, move your mouse cursor (PC/Mac) or finger (iPad/Tablet) inside the picture. 

Please share the calendar as widely as you can. We need your help to enable more people understand this issue so we can make apartheid history once and for all.
