Mark Thomas

Comedian and writer Mark Thomas reads a short extract from his book ‘Walking the Wall.’

This video is made with funding partly from Trust Greenbelt

Gaza The Girl/The Scream

Brian Eno reads The Girl/The Scream (2006) by Mahmoud Darwish, a poem set in Gaza.  Brian Eno is one of more than 1,000 signatories to the Artists for Palestine pledge which calls on artists to support a cultural boycott Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.’


Southbank 2015

Make Apartheid History, the follow-up to Bethlehem Unwrapped, launched online on Saturday 18th July, and we held our first event at London’s Southbank with a programme of poetry and prose linking civil rights, anti-apartheid, and Palestinian solidarity movements.

Edited highlights of performances by Paterson Joseph, Miriam Margolyes, Kika Markham, Leila Sansour, Jeremy Hardy and Sam West.

Part of the Mandela Festival,
Southbank Centre London 2015